Herbern cryptanalysis, plain known, using formula

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Known plain text cryptanalysis

If the cryptanalyst has the cryptogram and the corresponding cleartext, he can recover the wiring of a 1-rotor Hebern cipher machine.

In this chapter, we will base our reconstruction of the machine on mathematical formulas.

The next chapter uses cipher tables.

Reminders on mathematical formulas

Only the rotor intervenes

If the encryption is based solely on the rotor, we have the following formula which connects the plain and the cipher (advancement in the trigonometric direction):

	y = PI[ x + i ] - i
If the key is 0 (A), the formula boils down to:
	y (0)= PI[ x(0) ]	
	y = cipher letter, 
	y(i) = the ith cipher letter
	x = clear letter,
	x(i) = the ith clear letter
	i = the key (the position of the rotor)
	PI = rotor permutation.
	PI[j] the output connector associated with connector j.
Note: Only the most common form of the Hebern machine is discussed. The rotor chapter describes in detail the other forms.

Other permutations occur (Lampboard and/or Keyboard)

If other permutations occur, the formulas are more complex:

	Rotor + Keyboard :	 	y = PI[  K[x] + i ] - i
	Rotor + Lampboard :		y = L[  PI[ x + i ] - i ]
	R + K + L :			y = L[  PI [  K[x] + i ] - i ]

It is no longer possible to use the formulas directly. On the other hand, if y(i) = y(j), we can simplify the previous formulas:

  Rotor + Keyboard :  y(i) = PI[ K[x(i)]+i]-i = y(j) = PI[ K[x(j)]+j]-j
  Rotor + Lampboard:  PI[ x(i) + i ] - i ]  = PI[ x(j) + j ] - j
  R + K + L        :  PI [  K[x(i)] + i ] - i =  PI[  K(x(j) + j ]  -j 

We can see that if the rotor and the lampboard are unknown, it is quite simple to first reconstruct the rotor and then the lampboard.

An example, only the rotor is unknown

Creating the encrypted message

C:\H1_TOOLS> echo Hello World | python hebern1_tui.py -R p17

Sample Analysis

  y(0) = M = PI[ H ]  =>   PI[ 7 ]  = 12
  y(1) = Z = PI[ E + 1 ] - 1 => PI[ 4 + 1 ] = 25 + 1 => PI[ 5] = 26 = 0
  y(2) = J = PI[ L + 2 ] - 2 => PI[ 11 + 2 ]-2 => PI[ 13 ] = 9 + 2 = 11
  y(3) = O = PI[ L + 3 ] - 3 => PI[ 11 + 3 ]-3 => PI[ 14 ] = 14 + 3 = 17
  y(4) = G = PI[ O + 4 ] - 4 => PI[ 14 + 4 ]-4 => PI[ 18 ] = 6 + 4 = 10
We have reconstructed part of the wiring of rotor p17:
PI: [5, 19, 16, 9, 21, 0, 23, 12, 22, 3, 18, 13, 7, 11, 17, 20, 2, 
     14, 10, 1, 15, 4, 8, 6, 25, 24]
As we can see, a few dozen characters are enough to reconstruct the rotor wiring.

An example, the rotor and the lampboard are unknown

Display the cryptogram and the associated plain text

C:\H1_TOOLS> python groupe.py < MSGS\bronte_p17_rfs.cry

C:\H1_TOOLS> type MSGS\bronte.txt
I have just returned from a visit to my landlord the solitary 
neighbour that I shall be troubled with stop This is certainly 
a beautiful country

Sample Analysis

Here are the couples for which we have y(i) = y(j):
  crypted:	Z(0) = Z(3) = Z (9),   	plain:  I(0), V(3), R(9)
  crypted:	K(5) = K(15)		plain:  J(5), E(15)
  crypted:	H(7) = H(17)		plain;  S(7), F(17)
  crypted: 	V(8) = V(12) = V(16)	plain: T(8), U(12), D(16)
We deduce the following elements:
For Z:
	PI[ I  ]  = PI[ V + 3 ] - 3  => PI[ 8 ]  = PI[ 21 + 3 ] - 3 
		=> PI[ 8 ] = PI[ 24 ] - 3
	PI[ 8 ]  = PI[ R + 9 ] - 9 => PI[ 8 ] = PI[ 17 + 9 ] - 9 
		=> PI[ 8 ] = PI[ 0 ] - 9
For K:
	PI[ J + 5 ] - 5 = PI[ E + 15 ] - 15 
		=> PI[ 9 + 5 ] + 10 = PI[ 4 + 15 ] 
		=> PI[ 14] + 10 = PI[ 19 ]
For H:
	PI[ S + 7 ] - 7 = PI[ F + 17 ] - 17 
		=> PI[ 18 + 7 ] + 10 = PI[ 5 + 17 ] 
		=> PI[ 25 ] + 10 = PI[ 23 ]
For V:
	PI[ T + 8 ] - 8 = PI[ U + 12 ] -12 
		=> PI[ 19 + 8 ] - 8 = PI[ 20 + 12 ] - 12 
		=> PI[ 1 ] + 4 = PI[ 6 ] 
	PI[ T + 8 ] - 8 = PI[ D + 16 ] - 16 
		=> PI[ 1 ] + 8 = PI[ 3 + 16] = PI[ 19 ]  
		=> PI[ 1 ] + 8 = PI[ 19 ]
In summary:
	PI[ 8 ] = PI[ 24 ] - 3	
	PI[ 8 ] = PI[ 0 ] - 9
	PI[ 14] + 10 = PI[ 19 ]
	PI[ 25 ] + 10 = PI[ 23 ]
	PI[ 1 ] + 4 = PI[ 6 ] 
	PI[ 1 ] + 8 = PI[ 19 ]

We have partially reconstructed the wiring of the rotor, and again in a relative manner.

Conclusion :

  • Since we only have relationships between the connections, we obtain a rotor different from the original, but equivalent (just “offset”). It is in fact necessary to arbitrarily set a value of a connector, for example PI[0] = 0. In the example, we deduce that PI[8] = 26 – 9 = 17.
  • You need a much longer text (a few hundred characters) to have enough pairs of identical cipher letters.