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Cryptanalysis with known rotorFirst case to consider, we know everything: the machine as well as the rotor(s) used. The only thing we don't know is the external key (the starting position of the rotor) and possibly the rotor used (if we have a set of rotors) and the mode used (Direct or Reverse) and finally in which direction is positioned the rotor. We have already calculated the key space: 104 times the number of rotors available. How to find the solution? There are two approaches:
Plain text detection by ICThe theoryIt is enough to test all possible cases and when the decryption gives a plausible plain text, we have found the solution. In the case where a computer program is used to automate the tests, the calculation of the coincidence index (CI) makes it easy to detect the correct solution, in particular the initial position of the rotor. ExampleConsider the following cryptogram:C:\H1_TOOLS> python groupe.py < MSGS\bronte_p17.cry QPYPM IWAOT DYRWI VUKMG JRJUK AKOGR WDXIP GIPIQ YVAAO DURSP ZHQYC GUCFV MVWZX CZNGH JCDJM VGHGK RYTGB FDRVZ XZPQZ ZFRGV DPUDJ VZYRO WRLCZ HFWH We know the rotor wiring: FTQJVAXMWDSNHLRUCOKBPEIGZY Just test the decryption with my simulator and my IC calculation program. In the following example we test the key Z (effective key A) in decryption mode. C:\H1_TOOLS>python hebern1_tui.py -R p17 -E Z -d < MSGS\bronte_p17.cry |python ic.py 0.0390We do this type of test for all possible cases (encryption mode, decryption mode, all possible external keys, etc.). Here are the results in the case of decryption mode. A 0.0424 G 0.0353 L 0.0405 Q 0.0406 V 0.0372 B 0.0419 H 0.0367 M 0.0397 R 0.0409 W 0.0396 C 0.0412 I 0.0400 N 0.0377 S 0.0397 X 0.0417 D 0.0375 J 0.0392 O 0.0393 T 0.0440 Y 0.0413 E 0.0399 K 0.0597 P 0.0385 U 0.0386 Z 0.0390 F 0.0442The external key is therefore K (effective key K+1=L). We can decipher the message: C:\H1_TOOLS> python hebern1_tui.py -R p17 -E K -d < MSGS\bronte_p17.cry IHAVEJUSTRETURNEDFROMAVISITTOMYLANDLORDTHESOLITARYNEIGHBOURTHATISHALLBE TROUBLEDWITHSTOPTHISISCERTAINLYABEAUTIFULCOUNTRY Note: if you want to automate the tests, you need to know the system Shell (bash on Linux, powershell on Windows) to create a script that uses loops. Finding the key using the Isomorphs methodIsomorphsIf all the permutations are known, and if we know the beginning of the text, we have another technique than the detection of plain text by an IC measurement. Simply try all the keys until the correct key gives the supposed beginning (crib or probable word) during decryption. If the Lampboard permutation is unknown, it is still possible to use this method. On the other hand, decryption does not provide plain words, but an isomorphic expression. If a plain letter occurs several times, it will appear in the same (iso) form (morph). Here is an example (see next paragraph): Crib : V I S I T T O M Y L A N D L O R D Cryptogram : C E U W Y B T H K A H F M X N M F Decryption : S D E N B O A R M X R I F G P F I Coincidences : 1 1 2 3 3 2We see that the cryptogram and the decryption (without the lampboard) are isomorphic. The search for the crib does not necessarily take place at the beginning of the text. Indeed, this search can be carried out anywhere in the text. In this case, it is necessary to scan the cryptogram with the crib and test at each position whether a decryption is isomorphic with the piece of the corresponding cryptogram. ExampleWe create the encrypted message:C:\H1_TOOLS> python hebern1_tui.py -R p17 -L RFS < MSGS\bronte.txt > MSGS\bronte_p17_rfs.cry C:\H1_TOOLS> python groupe.py < MSGS\bronte_p17_rfs.cry ZRBZC KPHVZ DQVFM KVHVI EJCEU WYBTH KAHFM XNMFQ SKXJH THJND NQZVY CXITG KLPSJ OESEI SBIFX OMQJM SMJYC AGDUS JHJPP MRFZY SDYXR CXMEW PEQAV BBFIThen we test the presence of the crib “VISITTOMYLANDLORD” in the cryptogram. Lampboard permutation is unknown. C:\H1_TOOLS> python motprobable.py -C VISITTOMYLANDLORD -R p17 -s < MSGS\bronte_p17_rfs.cry Length of the cryptogram: 119 The last position tested: 102 (if the last position tested is zero, we test only the beginning of the cryptogram [we don't use -s]) 1st col: The current position (inside the cryptogram) 2nd col: The Key (for the 1st character of the isomorph) 3th col: The slice of the cryptogram tested 4th col: The pseudo plain which corresponds to the slice of the cryptogram tested, in short, the isomorph 0022 , W CEUWYBTHKAHFMXNMF SDENBOARMXRIFGPFIThe program gives position 22 and the effective key H (at the start of the Crib), so the message key is (H-22=11=L), it is the effective key, the real key (before the advancement of the rotor) is therefore K.