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IntroductionObjective: we want to find which rotor is in position I. We assume we know the wiring of the rotors as well as the external key and also the rotor which is in position 5. Thanks to the knowledge of the rotor in position 5, we can achieve a partial decryption which gives a pseudo-cryptogram made of slices of 26 letters, each slice corresponding to a simple substitution. ExampleCreating the examplehere is an example - Here is the ciphertext: C:\H5_TOOLS> more MSGS\kruh_page_49.cry GEEDN TKVLM TBTFY CYEDV WYZKQ IEQFO GVVUS OJOXP BUHUF RLDLK SDLHY BYUVB TTMZX TIQQO FVTVG PKITT EDXZF HNLMG IBFOV DBHVO PCIRM VRTYI AXOTW OVVVB JCNNT EEBCG JGJUZ DJOWY XXWCQ CKTWL CJSAY NLGIN WHKCG QSEAF CJAGJ NGWFQ WRITY YMVQZ KFICG EXWKQ VQAHU HKZBM OAXIY TMKAP CJHWH WGIPM QKVGR GLNPI- Here is the plain text (decryption of the cryptogram): Note I: The external key is known: AEQUILA. Note II: During the reasoning, we will not use this plain text. C:\H5_TOOLS> python hebern5_tui.py -E AEQUILA -d < MSGS\kruh_page_49.cry CONFIDENTIALFORJONESSTOPIAMRETURNINGTONIGHTONTHETENFIFTEENTRAIN STOPMEETMEATPENNSYLVANIASTATIONANDWEWILLDISCUSSTHENEGOIATIONSAT DINNERSTOPPHILLIPSSTILLINSISXSONTHESAMEPRICEFORTHESTOOKSTOPIFWE CANSWAETENTHEDEALSOMEWHATHEMIGHTBUDGESTOPHAVEANIDEA We are looking for the value c’The value c’ corresponds to an encrypted letter without the influence of the rotor in position V (here rotor 5) and without the influence of output permutation (Lampboard [RFS]) C:\H5_TOOLS> python hebern5_tui.py -E AEQUILA -I 0:0:0:0:5 -d ^ < MSGS\kruh_page_49.cry NOTECXKTYCHBEYQSYBUJJZYRHVXQUZPQBHBGZYBQCFBMWBFRBRWHQHBRRWBJS QWTBOXJAAWJALWXAVVUTEQLVSLUWLWDHQZQEXVXDNNEDRWFRRJPVQVYHWAVWG IYAVLWIIBCYVGFFUWMMWFPPSNLLNCPNPVPQCSGXPKZXTRNOYJUHOXYEOUUPEO UBMJQYWGAEQGGRGNRCGMGQJAZUGVCQRCGUPKCRMUGBIZHPEORXIRCAGIR Cutting into slices of 26 letters using mono-substitutionAs in the previous section, we display the different lines of the cryptogram cut into slices of 26 letters for which the rotor in position I does not move forward. i=0 p (plain) CONFIDENTIALF c (cipher) GEEDNTKVLMTBT pK (keyb) KOIZYHSIFYXPZ pKRS (c’) NOTECXKTYCHBE i=1 p (plain) ORJONESSTOPIAMRETURNINGTON c (cipher) FYCYEDVWYZKQIEQFOGVVUSOJOX pK (keyb) ODWOISBBFOUYXMDSFTDIYIJFOI pKRS (c’) YQSYBUJJZYRHVXQUZPQBHBGZYB i=2 p (plain) IGHTONTHETENFIFTEENTRAINST c (cipher) PBUHUFRLDLKSDLHYBYUVBTTMZX pK (keyb) YJLFOIFLSFSIZYZFSSIFDXYIBF pKRS (c’) QCFBMWBFRBRWHQHBRRWBJSQWTB i=3 p (plain) OPMEETMEATPENNSYLVANIASTAT c (cipher) TIQQOFVTVGPKITTEDXZFHNLMGI pK (keyb) OUMSSFMSXFUSIIBQPNXIYXBFXF pKRS (c’) OXJAAWJALWXAVVUTEQLVSLUWLW i=4 p (plain) IONANDWEWILLDISCUSSTHENEGO c (cipher) BFOVDBHVOPCIRMVRTYIAXOTWOV pK (keyb) YOIXIHVSVYPPHYBKTBBFLSISJO pKRS (c’) DHQZQEXVXDNNEDRWFRRJPVQVYH i=5 p (plain) IATIONSATDINNERSTOPPHILLIP c (cipher) VVBJCNNTEEBCGJGJUZDJOWYXXW pK (keyb) YXFYOIBXFHYIISDBFOUULYPPYU pKRS (c’) WAVWGIYAVLWIIBCYVGFFUWMMWF i=6 p (plain) SSTILLINSISXSONTHESAMEPRIC c (cipher) CQCKTWLCJSAYNLGINWHKCGQSEA pK (keyb) BBFYPPYIBYBCBOIFLSBXMSUDYK pKRS (c’) PPSNLLNCPNPVPQCSGXPKZXTRNO i=7 p (plain) EFORTHESTOOKSTOPIFWECANSWA c (cipher) FCJAGJNGWFQWRITYYMVQZKFICG pK (keyb) SZODFLSBFOOGBFOUYZVSKXIBVX pKRS (c’) YJUHOXYEOUUPEOUBMJQYWGAEQG i=8 p (plain) ETENTHEDEALSOMEWHATHEMIGHT c (cipher) EXWKQVQAHUHKZBMOAXIYTMKAPC pK (keyb) SFSIFLSHSXPBOMSVLXFLSMYJLF pKRS (c’) GRGNRCGMGQJAZUGVCQRCGUPKCR i=9 p (plain) BUDGESTOPHAVEANIDEA c (cipher) JHWHWGIPMQKVGRGLNPI pK (keyb) ATHJSBFOULXNSXIYHSX pKRS (c’) MUGBIZHPEORXIRCAGIRAs for finding the rotor wiring in position I, we are looking for pairs (pK, c’) for which the value of c’ is identical. We easily find those associated with the letter B: (i=0) B = P + D[ G + 0 ], 1 = 15 + D[15] => D[15] = 12 (i=1) B = I + D[ I + 1 ], 1 = 8 + D[8+1] => D[9] = 19 (i=2) B = F + D[ R + 2 ], 1 = 5 + D[5+2] => D[7] = 22 (i=5) B = S + D[ K + 5 ], 1 = 18 + D[18+5] => D[23] = 9 (i=7) B = U + D[ R + 7 ], 1 = 20 + D[20+7] => D[1] = 7 (i=9) B = J + D[ K + 9 ], 1 = 9 + D[9+9] => D[18] = 18By comparing with the different rotors, we can see that the offsets found correspond to those of Rotor 1 (here in position I, it is a coincidence) but where the origin is in position 4 with an offset of 10. gws: the offsets of rotor number 1 (known) with respect to the index m, R: the offsets (those calculated) with respect to the index m’. m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 gws 6 25 1 24 10 23 13 3 5 11 15 12 22 m’ 22 23 24 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R 9 7 22 R=gws+10 m 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 gws 9 19 16 0 7 17 2 21 17 8 14 20 18 m’ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 R 19 12 18- Conclusion We applied the same method as to find the Rotor wiring but we needed much less data. So only one series was enough. References
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