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Introduction : TICOM DF-38After the end of World War II, US cryptographic agencies investigated through German archives and questionned POW (Prisonner Of War) about German cryptogaphic methods. This organization was called TICOM (Target Intelligence COMmittee). The documents produced by TICOM were tagged TOP SECRET. Recently, these documents were declassified and many of them can be downloaded on Internet. There are different kinds of document: A, D, DF, I, IF, … "I" correspond to the Interrogation of a POW (written P/W too) and "DF" a translation of a German document. The DF-38 document is written by Dr. Rudolf Kochendörffer, a Geman mathematician belonging to OKH/In 7/IV (a cryptologic service of the Army). This document deals with the mathematical analysis of the commercial Enigma using permutations (like report written by Rejewski). This analysis allows the author to indicate how to recover the rotor wiring from in-depth messages. According to Frode Weierund (the editor of this document), the report from which document DF-38 comes dates back to 1944. The structure and the content of the DF-38 documentThe structure of DF-38
The Content of DF-38
Mathematical vision of the Enigma encryptionThe Dr. Rudolf K. (like Rejewski) used group theory and more specifically permutations to describe the Enigma encryption. Consider the following permutations:
Cryptanalytic and true reconstruction of the EnigmaThe cryptanalysis made by Dr.K. does not allow an exact description of the rotors due to the twist and offset effects (cf. rotor). In fact, in the header of the enemy messages the indicator contained the initial position of the rotors. In addition, this position corresponded to a pronounceable four-letter word. Thanks to this, the real wiring of the rotors could be reconstructed. Origin of the traffic analyzed: the Swiss hypothesisThe report by Dr. Rudolf K. aims to show how to find the wiring of a commercial Enigma from in-depth messages. But where does this traffic come from? I think it comes from the Swiss army. Indeed, we know that the Swiss were equipped with Commercial Enigmas. On the other hand, that at least at the beginning of their use, dozens (or even hundreds) of messages were sent with the same key (in-depth messages). On the other hand, the reflector had not been modified (This is the case of the machine analyzed by Dr. Rudolf K.). Finally, we know that the Germans deciphered the Swiss Enigma traffic. All these clues together lead us to deduce that the messages analyzed by Dr. Rudolf K. come from the Swiss army. Christos' article (see References) describes the breaking of the Swiss Commercial Enigma by several countries, including Germany. It so happened that it was precisely the OKH/In 7/VI service, to which Dr. Rudolf K. belonged, which was responsible for analyzing Swiss traffic. Still in Christos' article, we learn that Originally the indicator (showing the starting position of the rotors) was sent in the clear but from August 1942 it was enciphered (see below). As far as I am concerned, this last clue convinces me that it is indeed a Swiss traffic that is handled by Dr. K. The American Coast Guard, in 1940, were confronted with the a Commercial Enigma whose traffic had the same characteristics and it was indeed traffic of Swiss origin (link). We are not certain about the origin of the messages but we can say that the cryptologists who created the encryption procedures used were not experts. Indeed, two major mistakes were made:
ReferencesInternet links