Home Page Hebern's machines
IntroductionTo study the Hebern 5 rotor cipher machine, I had to first write a simulator for this machine and then cryptanalysis tools. Here is the download link for the simulator and cryptanalysis tools: H5_TOOLS.tar. To break the Hebern 5 rotor machine, I also used tools that I designed to attack the Hebern 1 rotor machine: H1_TOOLS.tar. Install toolsHere is the download link: (link) Suggestion to install the software:
The SimulatorH5_TOOLS> python hebern5_tui.py -h usage: Syntax: hebern5_tui.py [option...] Example: echo AAAA|python hebern5_tui.py -I 3:2:5:1:4 -E MEANING -c Options: -h Help -I internal Internal Key (1:2:3:4:5) by default) -V verse The Face of each rotor (00000 by default) -E external Extenal Key (NZAZAZN by default which corresponds to effective key OAAAAAO) -c/-d Cipher (by default)/Decipher -v/-D Verbose (Debug) H5_TOOLS> echo ONZOV HLDGN XBVPW YMRN | python hebern5_tui.py ^ -I 1:2:3:4:5 -E MEANING -d AMMUNITIONEXHAUSTED H5_TOOLS> echo AMMUNITIONEXHAUSTED | python hebern5_tui.py ^ -I 1:2:3:4:5 -E MEANING -c | python groupe.py ONZOV HLDGN XBVPW YMRN H5_TOOLS> echo AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | python ^ hebern5_tui.py -I 1:2:3:4:5 -E OAAAAZN -c | python groupe.py YONDS WMAUZ XFLQK GXVHR BTECJ P H5_TOOLS> echo AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | python hebern5_tui.py ^ -I 1:2:3:4:5 -E OAAAAZN -c -v |more Key: NZAZAZN Mode (0:chiffre,1:dechiffre):0 Key Stator : XAKHSZJLYWGPMIOURDBFTNVCQE Rotor Rotor 1 - Cle: A - Verse (0:sens normal,1:inverse):0 - Rotor : GADBOCTKNUZXIWHFQYJVPMELSR Rotor Rotor 2 - Cle: A - Verse (0:sens normal,1:inverse):0 - Rotor : IZNCTKUDPJEVOWLFHXSMGQAYBR Rotor Rotor 3 - Cle: A - Verse (0:sens normal,1:inverse):0 - Rotor : PJXFWLTAUGYBMHROVNCKSEQIZD Rotor Rotor 4 - Cle: A - Verse (0:sens normal,1:inverse):0 - Rotor : FLVARGWCMQBXNYIOTJUPSKEDHZ Rotor Rotor 5 - Cle: Z - Verse (0:sens normal,1:inverse):0 - Rotor : FQTGXANWCJOIVZPHYBDRKUSLEM Lamp Stator : TYOEUMXDFJQVKWBNSHCILRZAGP Key: NZAZAZN 001: A ->XLVERB-> Y OAAAAAO 002: A ->XLVERC-> O OAAAABP 003: A ->XLVERP-> N OAAAACQ 004: A ->XLVERH-> D OAAAADR 005: A ->XLVERQ-> S OAAAAES 006: A ->XLVERN-> W OAAAAFT 007: A ->XLVERF-> M OAAAAGU ... YONDSWMAUZXFLQKGXVHRBTECJP H5_TOOLS> echo THEELEMENTSOFTHESCIENCEOFC | python hebern5_tui.py IUOJUVJPFPJSCLVIKSDBMZDJSK ToolsNote: the chapter cryptanalysis gives examples of use of these tools.