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IntroductionThe great novelty of this 1937 procedure is the camouflage of the network identifier. In the modified 1930 manual (1931?), the network is identified by a three-digit number (Kennzeichnung) present at the end of the header. From this point on, it is represented by a trigram (called Kenngruppe) included in the message even inside a group whose position is part of the daily key. To increase its camouflage, each daily key was associated with four trigrams (Kenngruppen). The cipher clerk chose one of them and, what is more, could switch its letters. In the following example, the selected Kenngruppe, DGV is thus transformed into GVD. Example of decryptionHere is an example of a key table. Compared to previous versions, the daily key also contains four kenngruppe to identify the network. The location of the group containing the chosen kengruppe is also specified (Kenngruppen Einsatzstelle Gruppe). Geheim - Heer - Maschinenschlüssel für Monat Mai 1938 - Allgemeine - N°354 Tag Walzenlage Ring. Grund. Steckerverbind. K.E.G. Kenngruppen 31 III I II 1 16 12 2 15 9 HZ RV BG AD EY LP 2 zpe vtm hxz vms 30 I III II 9 22 11 23 19 14 CP EZ IQ FT WX HJ 3 vjc sjw vtk ziw 29 III I II 25 5 3 4 25 8 BZ KS IV EP DR JU 3 lqo var xmx tsw 28 II III I 21 19 19 26 8 8 IM CO LR HJ YZ DE 2 tra gtm ohl xsw 27 I III II 24 3 7 26 7 16 JS FZ TW VX QR AM 1 xql wwy wbe tux 26 I III II 9 25 10 24 16 10 LR EZ GV BM WX UY 2 qgj amu frd wbw 25 I III II 26 18 20 14 6 21 GX HT OZ AM RW BQ 3 ysl dgv rkq mfg 24 III II I 23 11 8 8 9 5 AN BT GK JU VX OS 1 poh wca mdk wzb ...Note: In November 1937, the UKW A was replaced by the UKW B. At midnight, we configure the Enigma to the daily key (May 25): Walzenlage: I-III-II, Ringstellung: ZRT, Grundstellung: NFU, Steckerverbindungen: GX, HT, OZ, AM, TW, BQ. Suppose we receive this message: 2505 – 0530 - 133 XPLNY HQSUC WIGVD LKVUJ TOOGQ HWDHC BWYFW MLDCW NCDUO LROLU HYOAE LTUHN CKOQO FNLNI ICNMI HCFAE JQWWT WUAOU BHCMW BSJYL TXNYP RWEJY TGUTZ PNSHW JNWEM UTWCW ORJ In the header, there is the date (25 may = 2505), the hour 05:30 (0530) and the number of characters (133). We can verify that the date of issue corresponds to today's date. Note: if the date corresponded to the day before, it would have been smart to keep an Enigma configured to the key of the day before. The cipher clerk who receives the message (the recipient) first identifies the group of letters that contains the Kenngruppe (Buchstabenkenngruppe). Its position is indicated in the daily key. In the example provided, it is in the third position: it is the WIGVD group. The first two letters, WI (Füllbuchstaben), were chosen at random by the sender. The next three letters correspond to one of the four Kenngruppe of the daily key or a permutation of one of them. The daily key provided these four groups: YSL DGV RKQ MFG. The GVD group corresponds indeed to the permuted DGV group, meaning the message has been encrypted with the key in the possession of the recipient. Then the recipient deletes the group containing the Kenngruppe. The beginning of the message therefore becomes XPLNY HQSUC LKVUJ… Then he extracts the first six letters XPLNYH which correspond to the message key encrypted twice (Verschlüsselter Spruchschlüssel). The recipient deciphers this text at the basic position (Grundstellung) 14-06-21 (NFU) indicated by the daily key. The recipient obtains the string SHASHA. The message key is therefore SHA (19-08-01). The recipient removes the twice-encrypted message key from the message. The rest of the message (QSUC LKVUJ…) corresponds to the cryptogram. The recipient now only has to decipher it with the key SHA (we let the reader decipher the message). |