The Turing/Welchman Bombe |
Query-Menu and Throw-on methodsIn 1930, the Germans used a very unsecure indicator method. Thanks to it, the Polish Rejewski broke the Enigma: he found the wiring of the rotors and found a method (The Catalog method) to break the daily key. Here's how it works: The operator chooses a message key that he encrypts twice at a particular rotor position called GrundStellung, which is part of the key of the day. English cryptologists called these kind of methods that twice encrypted the message key “throw-on”. In 1942, Hug Alexander had a hard time breaking the Porpoise network, which used this indicator method, but for the 4-rotor Navy Enigma. Indeed, he had not been made aware of the existence of the throw-on methods. The menus generated are called Query-menu. They are special because the Crib contains numbers instead of letters. These numbers actually represent letters that are unknown but identical for a given indicator. The particularities of query-menuUnlike menus based on message routines which are never 100% certain, query-menus are certain. Indeed the pairs 1-4, 2-5 or 2-6 coming from the indicators are repeated several times in several messages and thus allow their verification. The clear of the Crib is composed of three repeated letters. They are not known. In the menu they are replaced by question marks. The turnover position is not known but as the crib is short (6 letters) it is unlikely. The stops are unfortunately very numerous. Testing them all by hand is almost impossible. You must have a Bombe that has the "machine-gun" option that eliminates invalid stops. Example with a Enigma three rotorsHere is an example of a query-menu, but with a three-rotor Enigma (and therefore with a three-rotor bombe). Note: it is easier to test the solution. The key used (Solution)
A list of indicatorsMWSPWR RRGYJU TDJGYE XXVJOJ BFEKTS SSUCDP KTIOVV ONTQZF EAGFKU WCQZCX SCDCCD IGTWQF SCWCCQ EPDFBD HRJHJE ZSDEDD LYYBXY UCSICR Menu creationThe menu is created from the indicators. For example if we take the RRGYJU indicator:
Positions: a b c d e f Indicator: R R G Y J UTwo segments of the menu: zza zzd R -----? ----- Y The letters R and Y correspond to the same letter of the key, but it is unknown. R is encrypted at position "a" (zza) and Y is encrypted at position "d" (zzd). These two encryptions can be represented by two menu segments. The unknown letter is replaced by a question mark. The menuzza zzd zze zzb R-----?2----Y-----?3----D | | |zzb |zze | | ?1 ?4 | | |zze |zzb zza zzd | zzb zze zzc zzf | X-----?7----J-----?6----E-----?5----S | ^ | |zzb | |zza | Input | ?8 letter ?13 | | |zze |zzd | | O F | | |zza |zzf | | ?9 ?12 | | |zzd |zzc | zze zzb zzd zza | Q-----?10---G-----?11---T Using my Bombe simulatorI wrote a software that emulated the Turing / Welchman Bombe. This software supports query-menu. To indicate the unknown letters, one uses registers numbered from 0 to 9. Beyond 10, one uses the special characters ":", "; "," <"," = ","> ", ... (we follow the ASCII order).
$ more query_menu.cri4 ZZAR2 ZZEJ1 ZZB1R ZZD2Y ZZEY3 ZZB3D ZZED4 ZZB4S ZZFS5 ZZC5E ZZEE6 ZZB6J ZZDJ7 ZZAX7 ZZB8X ZZEO8 ZZA9O ZZD9Q ZZEQ0 ZZB0G ZZDG< ZZA<T ZZCT: ZZF:F ZZDF; ZZA;E =J=A= +++++ $ ./bombe.exe -mg query_menu.cri4 I III IV STOP ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV ZST J:B DQ ER FN GZ JB OV QD RE SH TT XX YY machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV ELE J:L DL EL FL GL JL OL QL RL SL TL XL YL machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV FHW J:W DA EA FW GW JW OW QA RA SW TA XA YW machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV GQA J:I DI EI FI GI JI OI QI RI SI TI XI YI machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV ITQ J:K DK EK FK GK JK OK QK RK SK TK XK YK machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV MLV J:C DC EC FC GC JC OC QC RC SC TC XC YC machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV MSO J:W DW EW FW GW JW OW QW RW SW TW XW YW machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV NYV J:U DU EU FU GU JU OU QU RU SU TU XU YU machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV PAK J:H DH EH FH GH JH OH QH RH SH TH XH YH machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV QCL J:P DP EZ FC GP JP OV QZ RV SV TH XH YZ machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV SVO J:W DW EW FW GW JW OW QW RW SW TW XW YW machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV WOZ J:M DM EM FM GM JM OM QM RM SM TM XM YM machine_gun ESSAIS/query_plus_xxx.cri4 I III IV XQY J:I DI EI FI GI JI OI QI RI SI TI XI YINote: For the Walzenlage I-III-IV, there is only one valid Stop: ZST. Here are the steckers that are given: DQ ER FN GZ JB OV QD RE SH TT XX YYFor other Walzenlage, there is no valid Stop, for example: II-I-III, II-I-IV, II- I-V, III-I-II, III-I-IV, ... |